In the spirit of all the *top tools, I wrote a little one for WiFi today. It's based on one I did earlier for measuring throughput using ipfw pipe counters, to see how much bandwidth things like streaming video and minecraft really take (answers: surprisingly little, and unsurprisingly a lot).
What I really need to do is abstract this out into a more generalized topify type of class, so that I can just write the data retrieval and data formatting functions, and then get a top-like auto-updating display out of it. This may only work on xterm, because it uses a specific control code to do the screen clear. This is much easier than installing and configuring the terminal control gems for ruby.
Usage: ./essidtop.rb wlan0. This will require root privileges, and you should probably change the #! line if your ruby is installed into someplace other than /usr/bin. Probably requires ruby 1.9 (because of the case statement).
#!/usr/bin/ruby def get_stats(card) vals = {} cell = nil current = { :mac => '??:??:??:??:??:??', :essid => 'Unknown', :channel => '-1', :snratio => 0, :key => '???' } %x[/usr/sbin/iwlist #{card} scan].each_line do |ln| ln.chomp! ln.gsub!(/^\s+/, '') ln.gsub!(/\s+$/, '') case ln when /^Cell ([[:digit:]]+) - Address: ([A-Fa-f[:digit:]:]+)$/ then unless (cell.nil?) then vals[cell] = current current = { :mac => '??:??:??:??:??:??', :essid => 'Unknown', :channel => '-1', :snratio => 0, :key => '???' } end cell = $1 current[:mac] = $2 when /^ESSID:"(.*)"$/ then current[:essid] = $1 when /^Channel:([[:digit:]]+)$/ then current[:channel] = $1 when /^Quality=([[:digit:]]+)\/([[:digit:]]+)\s/ then current[:snratio] = (100 * ($1.to_f / $2.to_f)).to_i when /^Encryption key:(on|off)/ then current[:key] = $1 else #puts "Unmatched: '#{ln}'" end end unless (cell.nil?) then vals[cell] = current end vals end card = ARGV[0] loop do stats = get_stats card if ($stdout.isatty) then printf "\e[H\e[2J" end # foreach key in stats printf "Cell %-17s Ch SN Enc ESSID\n" % 'Mac' stats.each do |k,v| # print out line printf "%-4s %-17s %02d %02d %3s %s\n" % [k, v[:mac], v[:channel].to_i,v[:snratio], v[:key], v[:essid]] end sleep 10 end